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Home > Reviews > How Fame Changed My Life

Dear Father Fame:

Please read this. It's hard to know where to start.  When I first started seeing Fame I'd come out crying after every performance. It's so moving- it's an amazing piece of theatre. I've had clinical depression for two years (like 1 in 3 young people in the UK, but that doesn't make it any less lonely) and Fame always cheered me up. At one point I reached an all-time low in my life and ended up in hospital. I felt nothing could cheer me up and was so upset-I'd thought I'd ruined any chance of a career on the stage. Everyone I knew was trying to make me talk to them, worrying, and it wasn't making me any better. One night, about one week after I'd come out of hospital, it all got too much for me, so I went to see Fame. Looking back, it seems odd that I went by myself, but it made me so happy. When I left the theatre I felt so free, much more confident that I could work passed what had happened and move on, putting my energy into the career I was starting to build for myself. All that was last year, and now things are starting to improve. Fame helps me to never give up, no matter how hard things get for me. It will always be a special show to me- the one which stopped me from doing the unspeakable.

I just want to thank you with all my heart, you could never truly understand the impact Fame has had on my life. Thank You.

Region or Country: London, UK
First Name: Emily


- Follow up from previous email.

Dear Father Fame:

Hi, my name's Emily and a couple of years ago I wrote to you saying how Fame had changed my life, and you put the email up on this website. At the time, I was a rather unhappy little girl who had dreams of becoming a musical theatre performer, but very much lacked the confidence to do so.

Fame helped that confidence and inspiration to grow inside me. If you remember me, it was rather a long time ago, but you did put the email up on the website (entitled How Fame Changed My Life).

I just wanted to say thank you. For the inspiration. Because I'm there now. I'm touring the UK in the national 2006 tour of Return To The Forbidden Planet, playing Miranda. My first professional job.

So thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

Emily Grace x (Although I would've been Emily Glanville back in those days!)

Region or Country: London



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